Missing data from CSV file.


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I am logging a number of hall-effect sensors over a 24 hour period. Everything seems to be going fine except that at seemingly random periods DF seems to miss recording date.

The timing is the default 1 second and I am using ASC712 hall effect sensors monitoring four DC current streams on AIN0, AIN1, AIN2, AIN3

I really don't know why this is happening and I've looked at it several times now.

Should I use averaging?


I've done the same thing with an Arduino and everything works well enough but our T7 Pro and Daqfactory seems to be a problem.

Any ideas?


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This almost certainly is due to the alignment parameter of the logging set and differences in the time stamp.  If you are taking data once a second and generally all data at the same time, you'll want the align threshold at something like 0.7 or so.

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Thanks for getting back to me.

I adjusted the time-stamp / timing as you suggest above but all it did was produce a different pattern.

All was well up to around 4500 rows of 1 second logging then it started logging twice for each second... one full row and then a blank row with just the time stamp.

I'm really not trying to do anything complicated here. Just reading my sensors once per second.

Windows 7 professional, I7 processor, nothing else running to take or intefer with the memory.

Do you think it is a buffer problem because the fault repeats itself at around the same position each time we restart the logfile.

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We increased the number from 0.7 to 0.99 but we are still getting lots of errors after around 4500 seconds/lines of data.

It goes from a nice even one second count up to around 4500 lines to doubling the second count with the second line blank with just the repeated timestamp.

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I would personally take some data, then switch the system into Safe Mode.  Then look at the time stamps for the channels and see how much variance there is.  You can use the table view in the Channel View (click on each Channel in the workspace).

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