Halt Program until a button is pressed on the initial page

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I am trying to setup a first page such that it stays up and program execution stops until a button is pressed on that page.

It's a page to check if the logging directories exist, so 2 buttons, one will be to create the directory structure and the other will popup a system message saying "Press ok to quit as no directories are setup". I guess I'm trying to make the page modal but also stopping further execution of the program until the choice of button is made.

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First question would be why you don't just automatically create the directories on startup if they don't exist.  The File. functions give you that ability.

But as to your question, that really depends on how you setup your system and what you want to stop.  Stopping channels with Timing is a little hard.  For that, you'd have to set your Timing to 0 and either trigger reads from a sequence or programatically set the Timing values when you are ready.  Everything else is much easier.  For Logging sets, PIDs, etc, just make sure they aren't marked auto-start and then start them from script when ready.  For Sequences, again, make sure only one is marked auto-start.  Have this one display the desired page.  The desired page would then have a button to continue which would then start a second sequence that change to the main page and start up all the other scripts, logging etc you have.

I do not recommend using a modal popup.  Just use a regular page that displays first.

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