HOA Switch

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I have an existing Channel Event controlling a DO to toggle a valve based on an analog tank level signal. I want to add an HOA switch to open or close the valve at will or allow the Event to do its thing. I have very little coding experience.



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You'd have to use a variable or a Test D/A channel to hold the HOA state.  Let's say you did a variable.  Initialize it in a sequence marked Auto-Start:

global HOA = 2   // 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = auto.  Default is auto

Then in your Channel Event, let's say you had:

if (tankLevel[0] > 10)
   DO = 1
if (tanklevel[0] < 9)
   DO = 0

Replace that with:

if (hoa == 2)
   if (tankLevel[0] > 10)
      DO = 1
   if (tanklevel[0] < 9)
      DO = 0
   DO = HOA


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That is really up to you.  If you have Pro you there is a 3 position switch in the symbol library, or I should say, three different images you can use to create a three position switch.  But you can do it with your own images, or just use 3 buttons.  It just depends on what you want it to look like.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Use a single Symbol component and add the three images, giving each image a different threshold depending on your coding.  I recommend 0 for off, 1 for hand and 2 for auto.  Then in the action, if you just want to step through the states put script like this (assuming "hoa" is the variable/channel with the hoa status):

private temp = hoa+1
if (temp > 2)
   temp = 0
hoa = temp


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Thanks for your help. So if I understand correctly, there is no animated symbol that rotates between left, up, and right like a real HOA switch, and I have to, for example, place three separate symbols on the screen showing the L, U, and R positions configured to produce the H, O, and A actions when each is pressed?

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Yes and no.  There isn't a built in HOA switch, but you can easily create your own using symbols from the Symbol Factory (or any other image you want to use).  I've attached a sample showing it.  It is made of 4 components to provide labels.  The main component is a symbol component that contains three symbols, one for each possible switch position.  Which is displayed is determined by the HOA channel.  Clicking the symbol steps through the options, Off then Hand then Auto then back to Off.  There are then 3 labels for each of the positions.  If you click on the label it will jump to that state.

You can, if you expect to use the switch a lot, group it and basically make your own component out of it.  I would likely add script to allow for changing of the output channel, but that is a bit more involved.  If you are only going to use a few of these, you can just copy and paste the four components and manually change it.



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