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Posts posted by TheNovice

  1. 14 minutes ago, TheNovice said:

    I am trying to establish MS SQL Server connection to Databse on Microsoft Azure, I am using the same connection string which I normally use to connect to local MS SQL Server DB.

    Can you have a look and help if I need to change any part of the connection string as it is on Azure Cloud.

    global string  Con_Str = "Driver={SQL Server};;Database=SCADA_DB;Uid=UserOne;Pwd=UserPass"

    global conn= db.OpenEx(Con_Str)

    Thanks in advance.

    I was able to connect fine using different PC on different network. So it seems some networking and firewall thing. Thanks and Sorry to bother :D

  2. I am trying to establish MS SQL Server connection to Databse on Microsoft Azure, I am using the same connection string which I normally use to connect to local MS SQL Server DB.

    Can you have a look and help if I need to change any part of the connection string as it is on Azure Cloud.

    global string  Con_Str = "Driver={SQL Server};;Database=SCADA_DB;Uid=UserOne;Pwd=UserPass"

    global conn= db.OpenEx(Con_Str)

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Hi,

    I have been using Daqfactory for quite a while now. Are there some changes lately?

    Today I was creating a simple new file to collect data and push it to sql server, and I noticed I am not able to run even simple function which I use to use previously.

    So I created a new file added a sequence(TempSeq) created a Temp Function as:
    Function TempFn()


    Private string TempName = "ab"



    Apply, Compiled and saved the file.*

    When I try to run the function using command TempFn()/?TempFn() it say channel or function not found.


    The above same issue is happening with all my functions I am creating since yesterday.

    I am pretty much doing the same thing which we use to do always, but seems there is some weird problem since past couple days.


    Is there anything I am missing?



  4. I have a project with multiple modbus channels.

    I have timings and events for those channels, while I monitor, I can see Tx and Rx for all the modbus ID's but the channel is not reading thus not collecting data, not executing event code as well as the UI component displaying that channel is not getting updated, until I force read it using'channel_X').

    I am facing the same issue with 2 recent project.

    I am currently using a sequence with While loop to Force read all the channels. 


    Any help would be much appreciated.


  5. I have a document which says the document license is expired.

    I want to remove that document licensing, but I don't remember the password for it

    Is there any way to remove the licensing from the file? As I am not able to edit the file on another PC even after having a developer USB key inserted into the system.