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  1. Ok, but the data doesn't look like it started late or ended early. Otherwise I would have caught this problem much sooner. I was thinking that somehow it was counting time wrong, maybe? In order to do an export set, do I have to put it in a loop something like export.[exportset].start(0) or can I do something like export.[exportset].start(500) for the last 500 points? thanks,
  2. I have been building a program in DaqFactory for a while and recently noticed that the data that it logs, though it looks right and seems to last for the time I tell it to, only shows exactly 1 second less than what I told it to do. The code that I use is as follows: The following is in a script that runs when the program opens Global Duration The user inputs the amount of time they want to test in an Edit box component on the main page which is connected to the variable "Duration" The following runs within a switch statement and after some code to make sure it start when I want it to. while (filedone == 0) If (File.GetFileExists("C:\Users\user\Documents\LabJack Files\H Skidmore Data\HData" + FileName + format("-%u",filenum) + ".csv") = 1) filenum = filenum + 1 Else logging.DataH.FileName = "C:\Users\user\Documents\LabJack Files\H Skidmore Data\HData" + FileName + format("-%u",filenum) + ".csv" filedone = 1 Endif endwhile Logging.DataH.Start() Status = 3 wait(Duration) logging.DataH.Stop() The first part is just for asigning the name of the file to log to, then it logs as you can see. Attached is a file I logged for what I thought was 2 seconds as well as the settings in my log set. MDatatest-1.csv