Efficiency of new screen components

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I was trying to update one of my programs from 18.1 to 20.5 however I noticed when replacing components with updated versions the Page Draw time ticked up incrementally each time, and by the time I replaced all the components with new versions my total Page Draw time was around twice of what it was on 18.1. I like the more uniform properties of the new components, but the slower speed means I think I will have to stick to the older 18.1 version for now. Just checking if the slower draw time is something expected/known with the new components or if it is a bug of some kind.

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Unusual as we typically see improved performance.  I'd be interested in seeing your application if you could email it to us, preferably the 18.1 version so we can try the replace as well.  But note that the redraw time is approximate and somewhat relative.  Redraw times will jump if Windows gets busy doing something else.  It can also jump if any of your DAQFactory sequences chew up a bunch of processor time (which is handy for optimizing these).  In general, redraw times below 500ms or so really don't affect anything unless you are trying to refresh the screen faster, so if your draw times went from 100ms in 18.1 to 200ms in 20.5 I wouldn't worry about it.  Consistently above that and your user interface may start to feel sluggish.

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Sure I can email you both as I did have to make some changes and updates to components, but generally had had about the same amount of complexity to each component in the end. I did run into one case where a single component caused a huge spike in time. It was a slider that didn't have the any tick marks visible, but I guess it was still having to compute a huge number of tick marks from the settings, changing the tick mark spacing brought it back down.

Generally I am showing two pages at the same time, one with a bunch of variables, sliders, and buttons. The other with a lot of symbols and gauges. One page seems to generally idle around 40-50 ms, and the other 70-80 ms, seems like maybe those times stack when both pages are up, but the Page Draw box just reflects the primary screen. With the same sequences running and the rebuilt UI for 20.5 the draw times went to 100-110 ms and 140-150 ms for those two pages at idle. It's not slow enough to be unusable, but it is noticeable in my application. I need to be actively controlling devices based on the displayed data and if the screen is laggy it does make it harder to control.

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