Reading NMEA Output


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I'd like to read the NMEA output from a GPS receiver via the UE9 and DAQFactory Express. I understand that it'll be a digital input for the UE9, but I don't know how I can program DAQFactory to interpret the strings of highs and lows to determine what the data is saying. That is, how to convert the binary high/low into intelligible text strings. Is there a way to accomplish that?

I've just posted a similar query to the UE9 forum. Feel free to reply to whichever one is in the more approriate forum.



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This is actually a different question, as NMEA from a GPS is much different then CAN. You may be able to do it using a UE9, but I would consider it a serious waste of time. If the GPS puts out NMEA, its going to be on a standard RS232 connection which you can simply connect into your RS232 port (or through a Serial to USB adapter, which costs about $20). The trick, though is that DAQFactory-Express only supports the LabJack products. If you want to use the serial functionality of DAQFactory, which is quite powerful, you will have to purchase a regular version, which starts at $199. As I said, you can probably pull off doing RS232 on the LabJack, but I'm sure you will waste more than $199 worth of your time trying to do so. Plus, you'll get 35 new components, 16 more channels, the ability to communicate with all the DAQFactory devices, including serial and ethernet, the ability to call external DLL's, and more for that price. Check out the other versions as well that offer even more.

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Thanks. I just ordered DAQFactory Lite.

Is the correct forum to ask about parsing the NMEA data once I get the GPS device recognized by DAQFactory Lite, or should I just continue via private emails with Azeotech on this issue now? It may be of interest to others, but it's not very Labjack-specific anymore.



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