Filling Channels from MySQL

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I'm currently selecting from MySQL database and trying to add the results to some channels and then add to the graph.

for(private.j = 1, j < numrows(sDados), j++)

	  for(private.h = 0, h < numrows(result.TheTime), h++)		 

		 Channel.Add(sDados[j], "test", "A/D",0 ,0)
		 Execute(sDados[j] + ".AddValue(Result." + sDados[h] + ")")
		 Execute(sDados[j]+ "[" + h + "]" + ".time = Result.TheTime[" + h + "]")



sDados is an array containing the variables selected from sql, example: sDados[1] = Vm_1_0

It only works until the Channel.Add line.

What is wrong with the two Execute lines?

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Somehow the channels are created, but no data is added. Now it wont cause an error anymore on the execute lines. Any thoughts?

for(private.j = 1, j < numrows(sDados), j++)

	  for(private.h = 0, h < numrows(result.TheTime), h++)		 

		 Channel.Add(sDados[j], "test", "A/D",0 ,0)
		 Execute(sDados[j] + ".AddValue(Result." + sDados[j] + "_" + curnet + "_" + device + "[" + h + "])")
		 Execute(sDados[j]+ "[" + h + "]" + ".time = Result.TheTime[" + h + "]")



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Glad you got it working. As to the 7:38am post: as it says somewhere in the manual, dynamically adding channels does not cause the workspace to update until you add or modify the channel list from the workspace. It is assumed that if you are doing it dynamically, you are in runtime and don't need to use the workspace. It was also done because updating the workspace is performance issue.

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