Possible bug in Time Edit box

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It would seem that if the date in a DateTimeEditBox is edited to beyond 19th January 2038 then DaqFactory crashes. Is there a way to intercept this and avoid the crash. This is under Vista and in XP as well, both running 5.82 build 1625.

What is the maximum that the date/time can go up to? I shall be long gone by then but I need to stop any Muppet setting something stupid!

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DAQFactory uses seconds since 1970 to store its dates. This is the same format windows uses. However, while DAQFactory stores dates in double float, windows uses 32 bit integers and so jan 19th 2038 is the largest number before it rolls around (or sometime around then, you can look it up on the internet). This is going to be the next Y2K, though hopefully by then Windows will either have worked around it (especially with its migration to 64 bit OS), or will be long gone. The problem is that DF uses some Windows calls for formating dates, so even though DF internal storage will pretty much never roll over (it will just lose precision, but probably not until the year 10,000), our calls into the windows API kills it.

All that said, I'm surprised the app crashes. We'll look into it.

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