Additional Components

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Firstly would like to say am really enjoying the product after having worked on packages like Wonderware and ABB. Having a programming background I find the power and flexibility of your scripts much more effective than the big players. I do have some suggestions

1. Adding an alarm table component so the alarms can be embedded in other pages or pop up windows. This would also give the developer greater choice in terms of which buttons and controls the user can see.

2. In addition to other users suggestions about handling different screen sizes in both edit and runtime modes I would also like to add improving the symbol component so you can import different image types, not just a copy-paste function, and be able to resize. This would allow users to build a library of symbols and insert as needed rather than having to open each one, copy-paste, close open next one copy-paste etc.


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Thanks for the suggestions and your support of our product.

RE #2: you can import symbols into the symbol factory library and they work just like the library ones. They can be bitmaps, in which case you won't be able to scale them in DAQFactory, or you can import meta (WMF) vector files, which will be completely scalable, rotatable, etc.. There are inexpensive WMF editors available on the web. Either way, the symbol then is part of the library and you can then drag / drop just like the other symbols.

That all said, the ability to scale and rotate bitmaps would be a good feature addition. In DAQFactory's beginnings there just wasn't the processor power to really do it fast enough, but given Moore's law and nearly 10 years since then, processors can probably handle it just fine now.

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Thanks for quick response, and notes on importing to Symbol Factory. As I originally started on the demo package I wasn't able to fully explore Symbol Factory, but as you say this solves the problem of managing a private symbol library.

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