Page Capture daily file


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Hi I am running the script to capture my page but i want to save the capture under a different file name each day, can you help.

The scrip I am running is:-

private nexttime3 = floor(systime()/86400) * 86400 + 86400

while (1)


page.capture("Main_Page","C:\Documents and Settings\A Barrow\Desktop\Screen Dumps.jpg")

nexttime3 += 86400



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The file name is in capture() is just a string, so you can assemble it however you want, for example, using the formatdatetime() function: "c:\doc and sets\screendump" + formatdatetime(...) + ".csv". There are several samples of how to do this in the forum for changing logging set names every day. Check the help for how to use the formatdatetime() function.

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