Change remote directory


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Can you please advise the correct way to change a remote ftp directory.

I have been trying with the script below but get errors



FTP.strRemoteFile = "cd /Solar"


FTP.strLocalFile = "c:\page_0.jpg"

FTP.strRemoteFile = "page_0.jpg"


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Woops - I posted the wrong script (before I had it right)


delay(60) // wait 60 seconds

// capture Page_0 to a jpeg file



// setup file for upload:

FTP.strLocalFile = "c:\Main.jpg"

FTP.strRemoteFile = "/Solar/Main.jpg"


FTP.strLocalFile = "c:\Solar_System_12v_2.jpg"

FTP.strRemoteFile = "/Solar/Solar_System_12v_2.jpg"

// do the upload:



This is what I am using but when viewing the remote server (with WinSCP) the files were not showing up in the Solar directory.

I logged in using DOS commands and ls'd the Solar directory and the files were there but WinSCP was not showing them there.

I don't understand why it didn't work yesterday but all seems to be working now.

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OK, so is it working or not? The first code definitely won't work. You can't do dos / Linux formatted commands like "cd /solar" using FTP. There are different commands for that, none of which DAQFactory support because they are unnecessary. You should be able to upload to a folder in your FTP directory by passing the full path into strRemoteFile as you did in the second post. I can't say why it didn't work before as you likely have made lots of changes.

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It is working fine - the problem appeared to be a refresh problem in the Win FTP software I was using, when I looked at the /Solar directory there was nothing there but when logged in under a dos command prompt the data was there. It took a reboot of the computer and the WinSCP software to be able to get it to correctly the remote directory.



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