using arduino


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I am trying to read and write data to an arduino using daqfactory. I am a newbie, but i am helping someone else who has greater knowledge than me. We created a new protocol in the protocol configuration window. We read from the arduino (temperature and pressure) using the OnReceive event. Now I need to figure out how to write data to it (tell it the setpoint). We've created a ReadValue and WriteValue using the addI/O type button. We need to figure out how daqfactory does this, and what the predefined variable in the i/o type are, if that makes sense.


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I'm sorry, but is there a specific question in there? Much of the detail on how to create protocols is in the serial-ethernet communication guide, and in sections 16.8 and 15.2 of the User's guide. In general I recommend getting the comms working in normal sequences and then moving to a protocol. You should only really do a custom protocol if you expect to reuse it across multiple applications.

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