script for hourly logging


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You can do it in an event, or just a low priority sequence. In a sequence it'd be something like:

  logging.myLog.strFileName = "c:\data\myData_" + formatDateTime("%y%m%d_%H",systime()) + ".csv"

That would create a new file every hour where the date and hour is part of the file name.

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Thank you for the quick response.

On some reference, the script for daily logging is written below;

<logging.log.strFileName = "c:\mydata_" + formatdatetime("%y%m%d",systime()) + ".csv">

compared with above, the one for hourly logging you mentiioned (below) is somewhat non-similar.

<logging.log.strFileName = "c:\mydata_" + formatdateTime("%y%m%d_%H") + ".csv">

Would you please explain the meanings of the commands below?




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I installed the sequence of hourly log below on the DAQ Factory Express, but it does not work.



logging.log.strFileName = "C:\aa onlinesoft\datalogger\HourlyLog" + formatdatetime("%y%m%d_%H",systime()) + ".csv"




On the "Sequence Summary" window, this "HourlyLog" is shown to be "RUNNING", (see the attached figure).

What could be wrong?


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First, is your logging set named "log"? I think the parser actually might have a problem with that because log() is a function for doing logarithm. So, first you might consider renaming your logging set. Second, does the file name change to something like HourlyLog120210_15.csv?

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