Reading Back Data


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I have connected a Transmitter PCB to Daqfactory. I have got a readback from the transmitter via the comm line without too much problem. The data lines read

Rx: 3200, 500, 3700, 498, 293.6, 0.4102, 12, NO ERROR\010\013

I have set up a channel to display each set of data, the problem I have is that the first and last channel (when I look at the data in the 'table' tab) show NaN. I assume this is because it is reading the Rx: as a part of the first number and the does'nt recognise 'NO ERROR' as a number.

So my question is how do I get daqfactory to display channel 0 as 3200 and channel 8 as NO ERROR, rather than displaying NaN as it is now?

All other channels inbetween display the correct data as I want them to.

If anyone can advise me on this I would hugely Grateful



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I have managed to sort the first bit of data to be veiwable as it is in the string line I showed above

Rx: 3200, 500, 3700, 498, 293.6, 0.4102, 12, NO ERROR\010\013

What I would like to know is how I can get the NO ERROR data to display as NO ERROR rather than just displaying 'NaN'

Is there a script that I need to write so that the NO ERROR is displayed as lettering as opposed to numerical data?

Huge thanks for any help you can provide with this

Kindest regards


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