Help With Graphics In Time With Database:


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I have a problem with graph data extracted through an ASCII database. Csv DAQFACTORY created from the same, I need to plot the history of a variable to determine the behavior of this variable in time, is to do, I read and followed almost all examples of forums loggins and graph of the product, but I have not been successful, not variables that correspond to the axis "x" and "y" in the graph, or the scroll to view or select a time particular, is that this issue has been touched on several oportunidaddes, but could guide me in little more, I have followed the example is this:

Sorry if I'm asking for is basic, but honestly I could not make it work.

In advance thank you very much for your continued support of this forum.

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I am creating a file Loggins, Main :: Logging Method: Delimited ASCII, File Name: C: \ mydata3.csv, so I want to graph the data I'm storing in the file, following the example above, from what I've read this can be done, and if it can not, what are the steps to graph data through a file created in Loggins?


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I think I answered this but did not appear, move the problem to be more clear,

For example, I have a variable that is temperature, I read this on a graph, but I need to keep this chart to see the behavior in time of the life of the graphic, if I explain, for example, need to know what has happened makes a month is required to know the plot happened on that date, so as I can.

second, that I'm trying to do this with Loggins, make a database and then read it and graph it, the same example above, a variable temperature, created a loggins. CSV, ASCII OBDC, the variable and go, but the problem is that I can not graph it, with the above example I try it but I do not know if I explain?

regards :)

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