Troubles Running .vbs With System.shellexecute


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Hello all

I'm working on an apps that make synchronise system clock with internal clock form industrial robot. i have made a script that take in arguments some strings (ex : test.vbs YEAR DAY MONTH ) and synchronise windows XP's clock.

i test it directly in command's shell and it works perfectly.

On DF (ver: 5.84), with System.ShellExecute, i call my script like that :

system.ShellExecute("d:\test.vbs","open",EtatComAUT20 EtatComAUT22 EtatComAUT21 ,"","") [/CODE]

where EtatComAUT20 is YEAR, EtatComAUT21 is DAY, EtatComAUT22 is MONTH

In my output, i receive test.vbs EtatComAUT20 EtatComAUT22 EtatComAUT21 EtatComAUT23 instead of test.vbs 2013 15 02

How can i get the values of variables instead of the name of them?

Where i was wrong ?

Thx for your support

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