Canbus Data Acquisition


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I have an application that runs charge/discharge cycles on large battery packs.

DaqFactory controls a U3HV for charger and electronic load control.

I need to log data from the battery management system, which is on a CANBUS link.

Has anyone setup CANBUS requests and retreived data before?

The CANBUS connection is a USB to CANBUS adapter based ont the Silicon Labs CP210X USB to UART Bridge and is accessible via a COMx port.

P.S.: I love DaqFactory


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Usually CAN stuff requires a custom driver, specific to the CAN hardware. This is why we don't just have broad support for CAN like we do for Ethernet, and Serial. If your hardware is simply converting the CAN traffic to serial, try just creating a serial port connection in DAQFactory with a NULL protocol, and then look what the serial monitor shows for that port. See if you get a CAN stream.

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