Multiple Arrays In .csv File


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Am looking to save multiple big arrays in a single .csv file, is it possible to use:


private handle ="N:\NewRig\Calibration Files_DO NOT DELETE\Rig1Cal.csv", 0,1, 0, 1)

file.WriteDelim(handle,CalValues, ",", chr(10))



? strLastError


for each array and just change the red part for the relevant array name?

Then use:


private handle ="N:\NewRig\Calibration Files_DO NOT DELETE\Rig1Cal.csv", 1, 0, 0, 1)

CalValues = file.readDelim(handle, -1, ",", chr(10), 0)



? strLastError


and just change the red value for the array I want to extract....?

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It is, except that you'd also need to change the file name, otherwise you'd overwrite the previous file. Because CSV files are variable field width, creating code to write one column at a time would be quite inefficient. If you have a bunch of arrays and you want to write them to a single file, you need to create a single two dimensional array. For example, if your arrays were cal1, cal2, and cal3:

private out

out[][0] = cal1

out[][1] = cal2

out[][2] = cal3

file.writeDelim(handle, out, ",", chr(10))

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private out

private[][0] = cal1

private[][1] = cal2

private[][2] = cal3

file.writeDelim(handle, out, ",", chr(10))

thankyou for the response, should the code above be out[][0], i dont see why private[][0] would work?

Is this essentially trying to put an array inside another array?

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Im also having trouble fetching string back from an array:


private handle ="M:\ME Projects\Valve Database\" + ValveIDtype + ValveIDrevision + "\Leakspools.csv", 1, 0, 0, 1)

leakspools = file.readDelim(handle, -1, ",", chr(10), 0)



? strLastError


the array in the .csv file has text {A1, A2, A3,...} ect... but when I use the code above the array variable leakspools becomes {1,2,3,....}. where has the string gone. The variable is declared as a string in the startup sequence.

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Sorry. Don't know what I was thinking. Yes, all those private[] should be out[]. I'm going to correct my post.

As for the read delim issue, if you have strings in your file you have to specify 1 at the end of readdelim to tell it to process the data as strings.

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As for the read delim issue, if you have strings in your file you have to specify 1 at the end of readdelim to tell it to process the data as strings.

Have tried changing the 0 to a 1 but im still getting only the numerical value

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