Serial Communication With My Arduino


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please help !

Using ARDUINO UNO to generate serial Comm signal "1111111111111111 \ 13 \ 10" which is a array in my Arduino application.

This array is status ON / OFF of 16 relays. ON = logic 0 and OFF = logic 1.

mydevice = Serial Ascii / 9600 N81

canal_0 in to see the data "1111111111111111" is going well, except for the first location. When it is "0" disappears.

Q. how to get state 1 to 16 in separate channels, canal_1 to canal_16

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I'm not sure how you are getting the data now, so I'll just explain how to do it all. I'm going to assume you have mydevice setup with a NULL protocol. I'm also going to assume that your device sends the data on its own. In a sequence put:

private string datain
private data
      datain = device.mydevice.readuntil(10)
      if (getlength(datain) != 17) // 16 channels plus the carriage return
      data = asca(datain)
      for (private i = 0, i < 16, i++)
         execute("canal_" + doubleToStr(i+1) + ".addValue(" + doubleToStr(data[i] - 48) + ")")
      ? strLastError

That should do it, though of course I didn't test it. I used an ascii trick. ASCA() converts the string into an array of numbers. In your case, its either 48 for "0" or 49 for "1". But I want 0 or 1 in the channel, so I subtract 48.

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