Code Debugging Required


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private curenttime=GetTime(ChannelA[0])

private time =2


while (GetTime(ChannelA[0])<currenttime + time)

? "hello"



What is wrong with the above code? I am using U6 to stream data into Daqfactory and I want the stream over a period of 2 seconds.

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Several things:


1) you have a while() loop with a delay(), which will run at full speed.

2) you have ? inside this super fast while loop which will dump a whole lot of stuff to the command / alert window, probably bogging down DAQFactory

3) you are basing the end time on the time of ChannelA.  If ChannelA doesn't get any new values with a time stamp past two seconds from now, the while() loop will go forever.  I'd recommend using systime() instead.


But, if all you want to do is stream for 2 seconds, just do:


//  .. script to start stream


// .. script to end stream

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If the history is big enough, you can easily capture 2 seconds just by subsetting by time.  Something like this:


global capturedData = channelA[systime(), systime()-2]


That will capture 2 seconds worth of data starting at the instant the code is run, and going back two seconds.

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