Possible To Use Keystroke To Initiate Component Action?

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I will be using DF in a bumpy (airplane) environment.  It would be very handy to be able to initiate a specific sequence with a keystroke combination (e.g. Shift..F5, etc.), rather than using the mouse click for that component action.   I thought the speed key might do this, but I see that just jumps to the relevant component, but doesn't initiate the action.  Is there a way to do this?


Thanks again for your help!



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To prevent accidental activation of a component action with the keyboard, for example if turbulence caused you to put you palm down on the keyboard, you have to press two keys: the speed key to select the component, then the space bar to actually do the action.


There are alternatives, but I recommend this method if you aren't using Runtime.  It was, actually, designed this way explicitly for people in bumpy airplane environments (specifically, a P3).

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