Appending A Multi-Dimensional Array


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I am having difficulty with using the append function with a 2-dimensionall array.  I am not sure I am referring to the array correctly in the function.  The "Seconds" and "PressureSetPoint" are two variables I want to store at the end of the existing array.




When I run the function, I receive the error,

  C1060 Improper number of parameters:

global MyArray
global Seconds 
Global SecondsStep
global PressureSetPoint
global PressureSetIncrement

MyArray = {{0,0}} // set first index in array to zero
Seconds = 0
SecondsStep = 5
PressureSetPoint = 30
PressureSetIncrement = 2

for (Private.CounterB = 1, CounterB < 5, CounterB++)
   Seconds = Seconds + SecondsStep
   PressureSetPoint = PressureSetPoint - PressureSetIncrement


Thank you for the help,


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That is syntactically incorrect.  [] really are only used for subsetting, and you aren't subsetting.  If you were appending a scalar, you could use {} notation to build the row, but since you have variables you'll have to do it manually.  Basically this:


private temp = seconds   // sets the [0][0] element

temp[0][1] = pressureSetPoint


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am still totally failing at my effort to append a 2-dimensional array.  I can't even find where in the manual I originally found a reference to the use of MyArray.append.  In your example above, you show adding a single value. But, I think what is needed is to sent both the values in a column at the same time.  Otherwise, your 2D temp array may only add one of the values at the bottom row, and 0 to the upper row.  Then, when you attempt to set the upper row, you just append another index location with 0 at the bottom row and your value to the upper row.


Can you provide an example that appends two values to the end of a 2D array?


Also, can you please refer me to the chapter in the manual that talks about the MyArray.append function?  I have not been able to find it again.


Thank you very much for the help,


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private temp = {{0,1}}



That's the static way and results in a 2x2 array.  If you want variables though what I did in my last post is correct.  It adds a single row, containing two columns to the end of myArray.   My example does not show adding a single value, it shows adding a single variable that is a 1x2 array. 


global myArray

private temp = 1  // sets the [0][0] element

temp[0][1] = 2


temp[0][0] = 3

temp[0][1] = 4



The above, assuming myarray is empty to start, will end up with a 2x2 array: {{1, 2}, {3, 4}}


The section on append is 5.10, but it doesn't say much.  Append() simply adds a new row to the end and puts the value there.  If the value you append() has multiple columns, then the result has multiple columns.

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