Creating A Function


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I am having difficulty creating a function. I actually have a few questions, let me start with just showing what I have.  When I attempt to run my calling script, I get the error c1000 "Channel or function not found."  I tried running the function, in case it had to be run first before DAQFactory recognized it, but that made no difference.  I should point out that the value I want returned is a string.


The function itself;

function Seconds_to_HrMin(Arg0)

    Local ExtractedHrs = 0
    Local ExtractedMin = 0

    ExtractedHrs = floor(Arg0/3600)
    ExtractedMin = floor((Arg0 - floor(Arg0/3600)*3600)*100)/100 // isolate remainder seconds and convert to two decimal place
Return ("" + ExtractedHrs + "hrs and " + ExtractedMin + " Sec") 

Then, the script that calls it is;

Local string temp
temp = Seconds_to_HrMin(3605) //note that 3600 seconds = 1 hr
? temp

Thanks for the clarification on creating functions.


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Without the line number of the error, which it should have given you, I can't say for sure, but I can tell one thing: don't use "local" for private variables.  "local" is only for declaring member variables in classes.  To declare a private variable used only in the function, use "private":


private extractedHrs = 0


That is most likely the problem.


Also, FYI, there is a function called FormatDateTime() which will do what you want without all the fancy math.

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Yes, I incorrectly used the word local to declare the variable, when I should have used private.


This is something I had been confused about for a while. I see now that local variables are used for a different purpose.


I did see the FormatDateTime() when I was looking for a way to do this, but it only seemed viable to extract the information for time in seconds from 1970.  Also, it kept crashing DAQFactory, so I abandoned my effort to understand it.  With your mention of it I dived back into it.  I see now that it will work perfectly for my code. The crashes were triggered when putting a lower case s, which should have been uppercase.  But, at least I learned more about functions!



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