Different Readings From Different Ain Ports

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Hi there, I'm using labjack u6 to obtain a voltage output from a flowmeter. But the readings are different as I connected the output to different LJ AIN ports (varies from 1.1V-1.8V for different AINs).

Does anyone have some suggestions on this? I'm quite confusing now..



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What is the make/model of the flowmeter?  Assuming the flowmeter outputs an analog signal, is powered correctly and is linked to U6 GND, and the flow meter is running at a constant rate, then the voltage should be constant. It is easy to prove if the U6 is working by routing a short jumper wire between DAC0 and AIN0, or AIN1 etc -> Then using LJControlPanel change the voltage of DAC0 to a known value, and see if the AIN0 or AIN1 inputs report the same value.  This process is covered in the U6 quickstart:http://labjack.com/support/u6

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