Requested The Runtime To Terminate


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Hi, Admin


Our program at site sometimes showed below information to restart, can you  look into it for us please? We use 5.87a version, before we use 5.90a but causing screen freeze, so following Guru's suggestion we use 5.87a now. The program is running ok now, just sometimes show this information


This application has requested the runtime to terminate the application's support team for more information

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is an unusual message for DAQFactory.  In the rare case of an actual crash, it usually doesn't display that message.  Let me ask: are you using a USB to serial converter?  I see from your document that you kindly emailed that you aren't calling any other external drivers, but if you are using a USB to serial converter, you are using their driver.

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Hi, Mr Guru


we don't use usb-serial port, this doesn't fit industrial area. We use serial port card. It's 2 port RS422/485 serial PCI express(PCIe) card. It's installed in one desktop computer, communicate via RS485 Modbus protocol to two remote devices.



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