Check For Nan Value


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I have a variable I'm using to store a color value. It gets set to NaN at one point in my code which isn't a problem. The problem is I want to check to see if it is set to NaN and if so change it to some other value.


The variable isn't empty. So IsEmpty(myvar) returns 0. Trying to compare myvar == NaN() generates a C1066 Invalid operator error.


global myvar = NaN()

? myvar // Shows NaN


if (myvar == NaN()) // Generates error code



How can I check to see if the variable is equal to NaN and then change it to something else?

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You must have some other typo.  I plug this into a sequence:


global myvar = nan()
? myvar
if (myvar == NaN())
   ? "is nan"
   ? "is real"
and "NaN" followed by "is nan" is printed.  No errors.
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