Calculated Value Channel (Test Device) - Time Goes Backwards?

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i have a "test" device of type "D to A" - into which i put values using variable.AddValue(x).


I do that in a loop in a sequence.


However, the historical plot of this variable appears totally screwed - upon closer inspection, it appears to me that the autogenerated time is wrong, and sometimes even goes backwards. Sometimes as far as 20 minutes . . . .




What do I do wrong?


it nearly appears as if the binary format of the time was different than expected (bits flipped in the memory), or that the time resolution in the auto-generated time in x.AddValue(y) is too low . . .?

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DAQFactory only autogenerates the time in addValue() if the value inside the () doesn't have time already.  So:




will autogenerate time, but:




will not.  It will instead use the time of myOtherChan[0].


I'm guessing that you are doing some calculations using values with time associated and that's getting carried through.  Use insertTime() to fix this:


myChan.addValue(insertTime(myOtherChan[0], systime(), 0))

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Yes, that helped.


I was taking a dynamic maximum value over last 10 minutes of the other channel. I have read the documentation but what thrown me off is that in my calculation process, i was using private variables, not channels. Apparently channel time is preserved when copying to private value.

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