Load In Full Screen


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Hi, I am finding that when I set "Load in Full Screen" in the document settings the project is loading OFF CENTRE (biased to the top of the screen). If I do an F4 (disable full screen) and then an F4 to re-enable full screen it loads correctly centred. I have also tried putting system.fullscreen = 1 in a startup sequence but that wouldn't work (although system.fullscreen = 1 works okay in a quick sequence in a button component).     Its loading off centre on my development laptop and the industrial touch screen PC. Do you know what is causing this to happen?.  

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When switching into full screen, DAQFactory basically looks at all the docked menus and toolbars and pushes them off the side of the screen, essentially making the DAQFactory page big enough and shifted so only the page portion displays.  That's why in development mode you can actually still access the menu using keyboard shortcuts and see it appear at the top (try pressing Alt-F).  The problem is that during startup, the state of the docked menus is somewhat in flux and the system shifts the screen incorrectly.


We've have a workaround.  In the latest releases there is a variable called system.fullscreen that you can set to 1 or 0.  In your auto start sequence, set that to 0, then call system.maximize() to ensure that DAQFactory is maximized.  Then start a sequence that has a delay of say a second, then sets system.fullscreen to 1:



system.fullscreen = 1


Set that sequence priority to 0.


That delays the fullscreen switch until after all the menus are generated and seems to work reliably.


Note I believe even 5.87b has this feature, though not all 5.90 releases do (5.90.9, the current 5.90 release as I type this does though)

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  • 2 months later...



Its been a while but I have tried the above. I have version 5.90 build 2183. I did exactly as you described above but with no success. The system.fullscreen variable does not seem to work in a normal sequence but it does if it is incorporated into a button sequence. 


In the autostart sequence I added.



//Full Screen Mode
   system.FullScreen = 0
   global testFullScreenSeq = 0    //temporary test variable




In the delayed fullscreen sequence I did the following: -


///////////////////////////////////(Sequence Priority 0)

system.FullScreen = 1
testFullScreenSeq =   1    // I added this test variable to check the sequence was being called okay. It was and the variable testFullScreenSeq changed after 5 seconds but  the FULLSCREEN mode did not occur.
Am I missing something?
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've tried editing the shortcut to the app to Run: Maximized but it makes no difference. In fact changing the shortcut to Run: Normal window or Minimized makes no difference either. In all cases it runs with DAQFactory small logo top left and windows 7 task bar at the bottom of screen.

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  • 8 months later...



Further to the above. Still trying to sort out the start in FullScreen mode. There still seems to be a problem in the latest version of DF (i.e. version 5.91 build 2203).


Notes: -

1.  The Load in Full Screen in document settings doesn't work

2. Using sequences as described in post (Posted 19 September 2014 - 11:27 AM) above does not work

3. Setting Run Maximised in CTL shortcut does not work

4. system.FullScreen = 1 only seems to work in a quick sequence via a Button


I attach a simple example to demonstrate this. There should always be a white border above the tree.

a) Using the "Load in Full Screen in document settings" causes the top border to disappear. (When started direct from CTL)

B) The 2 x sequences in the program do not solve the problem

c) The quick sequence (containing system.FullScreen = 1) via the BUTTON does work.






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