Fairly Regularly Daqf Just Freezes Up


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Running happily alone on a PC with no errors or alerts, DAQF just freezes up, perhaps once a week, with no indication of the cause.  Once dropped with Task manager and restarted it runs happily again.  Screen shot and .ctl attached. 


Any ideas on what to check? 






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You are on 5.87a which is stable and has been out for quite some time.  My first thought is: does your sequence "Generator_reset" ever run?  If so, you have a problem because if the condition is ever not met you essentially have this code:







which will run at full bore and use 100% of the processor, and since its at priority 5, it will hang DAQFactory.


Did you click on anything when it hung, or did it do it while you were just looking at the screen?  Has the problem recurred?  What OS?

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Thanks, is this a better option?


While (Lighthouse_Fault [0] > 0)

Delay (360)   


Delay (3)


Delay (10)



It happens when you click on something (anything) mostly, though sometimes it has frozen before I've gone to look at it.  Its on Windows 7.

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The issue with your sequence is that there is a path that results in a while loop without a delay.  You can resolve the problem with the existing sequence by simply putting a small delay() outside the if().


As for the hang, often Windows won't say "Not responding" until you try and interact with a program.  So I guess my question was whether you were actively clicking on things and then it hung, or if you were usually away from the computer, then after some time you come back and the first click says Not Responding.


Also do you have remote clients connected?

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Yip, the page with the graphed analog values of the Fairway Beacon column acceleration.  Now I wondered if the fact that this data comes in from a mile away on a radio link and the access point is at the far end of our fibre network, maybe it was freezing up during lags in the data coming in - But I dont know if that would cause it.   

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Let's isolate it down.  You said it only does it on the graph page (Fairway_monitor)?  Try deleting the three graphs (or simply changing their page to a scratch page), so you never view the graphs and see if that fixes it.  Not a long term solution, just trying to isolate the problem.  If that works, try bring the graphs back one at a time until it fails.

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