Multiple Conditional Statements


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Just trying to work something out and need a bit of assistance.


I have multiple sites, each one has a standby generator and DaqFactory monitors the Local mains status, generator status and the like.


In the expression entry box I have a condition like this:


iif(GW_GENNY_Fault <0 && GW_MAINS_Fail>1,1,0)


This basically says that if my generator is happy, i.e. GW_GENNY_Fault is less than zero i.e. not a 1 and that I have mains in the buiding, i.e. GW_MAINS_Fail is a 1 and not a zero, then the expression returns a zero. I then have a descriptive text box that displays "Healthy" on zero threshold.


What I want to do is then have a 2nd iif expression - mains has failed, but generator happy so I can put a different message up warning that the Generator is powering the building.


I then need a 3rd iff expression to indicate that mains has failed and the generator has failed which will put up a more important message saying there is no power at all - get someone out of bed!


However if I put lots of iif statements into the expression box, it only evaluates the last one.


How do I get a conditional if / switch type statement into an expression / descriptive text box?






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You want to use bitwise math.


GW_Genny_Fault[0] + GW_Mains_Fail[0] * 2


will yield a number from 0 to 3.


0 = both Genny_Fault and Mains_Fail are 0

1 = Genny_Fault is 1, but Mains_Fail is 0

2 = Genny_Fault is 0, but Mains_Fail is 1

3 = both Genny_Fault and Mains_Fail are 1


You can put this directly into a descriptive text component assigning a text to display for each possible number.

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