External Input Output


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Hi Guru

Just in case this is ground you have gone over before can you tell me if there is a simple way for DaqFactory to interact with a program running on the same machine written in say visualbasic.net. Could a DaqFactory sequence respond to or change a variable in another program ?. I thought of reading or writing to a registry variable or reading or writing to a very simple file that can be read from visual basic. This would also allow me to update a Windows Gadget desktop display by modifying the value in the HTML file that creates a gadget allowing me to view selected Daq data when using other programs Ie; Daq in the background.

Thanks for your support.

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Yes, there are a number of methods.  You descibed a few.  You could also write your application as a DLL and then load it into DAQFactory using extern().  Or you could make your software an ethernet server and have DAQFactory connect to it over localhost ( and come up with your own protocol for communicating.  I would avoid registry variables as they run into Windows security a lot.

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