How To Set A Break To Modbus


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Hi all,

Is there a way to temporarily set a break to all MODBUS channels.

I'm still developing the GUI application and not connecting to a MODBUS device. The alert showing the modbus timeout is so annoying.





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Not super easily.  One option is to simply go into safe mode.  Another is to write a script to set the timing of all your channels to 0.  The best way to do this is to put all the channels with a particular timing into a single channel group, then you can do something like:

private string chanList = channel.listAll("modbusReadGroup")
for (private i = 0, i < numrows(chanList), i++)
   execute(chanlist[i] + ".timing = 0")

Make another sequence that is pretty much identical but sets the timing to some other value, or just create a sequence function that takes the timing:

function changeTiming(string groupName, newTIming)

private string chanList = channel.listAll(groupName)
for (private i = 0, i < numrows(chanList), i++)
   execute(chanlist[i] + ".timing = " + newTiming)

Hardcode groupName like I did in the first example if you don't need it as a parameter.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I want to disable the modbus channels if the PC id disconnected from a Modbus device.


If the function OnAlert() is call, it will check the StrAlert[0].

If the StrAlert[0] = "P-ModbusTCP0010:Timeout", it will temporarily set all the Modbus channels to timing = 0. to stop those Modbus channel from keep trying to polling data.

However, all other channels I would like to keep its current value. 

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