Display variable value as single number that changes, not a list

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Very new to DAQFactory.  How could I display the variable value to show up as a single number that changes, and not a list.  Right now, if I have voltageIN in the 'Expression' box, my variable value component displays a list of the voltages it is reading.  But if I change it to Mean(voltageIN[0,9]), only a single number is displayed; however, I don't want the average, I want the actually number being read at the instant in time.



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You have to put [0] after the channel name to indicate that you only want the most recent value.  Otherwise it gives you all values (truncated to 20 by the variable value component).  I recommend going through the Guided Tour in the help as that covers these basics concepts.  It should only take you 30-45 minutes to do.

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