DF busy after multiple system messagebox pop up


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I have a scenario that require messagebox pop up one after another. Many times DF work fine but sometimes DF is showing busy and won't response  to any command. 

I see on the command showing something like memory is not enough for system messagebox...

my computer using windows 7 64 bit and has 8GB memory. 

What is the suggestion? 

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"Memory" is a loaded term as Windows refers to many things as memory, including something that they often call "resources", which are much more limited.  My guess is that you are popping up a whole bunch of messageboxes stacked on top of each other and using up all the system resources.  Maybe post your document? (or email it to us)

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I was a little wrong from previous post. All the process still running just the busy mouse won't allow to click on any button. The computer process still normal.

I did remove the system messagebox pop up but the problem still persist.

Below is the script in the scan serial function

Function U0_ScanSerial ()
   Private GoodToGo = 0
   Private String Marking = "N"                                   // Marking: N for new serial#, R for repeat serial#
   BeginSeq(S7_ReadScanner)                                       // Begin reading scanner serial sequence
   If (!(IsEmpty(Product_Serial)))                                // If a serial number exist            
      Component.ProductSerial_EditBox.strContents = Product_Serial                  // show it with the pop up
   Page.PoP_BarcodeSerial.PopupModeless(1)                        // pop up the product serial request 

   // Allow until serial number is scanned or entered by user
   While (S7_ReadScanner == 0)
   If (IsEmpty(Product_Serial))
      GoodToGo = 0
      If (NumRows(Result_SerialNumber) > 1)
         For (Private i = 0, i < NumRows(Result_SerialNumber), i++)
            If (Product_Serial == Result_SerialNumber)
               If (System.MessageBox("This Serial number already processed. Would you like to continue?", "YesNo") == "Yes")
                  Marking = "R" 
                  GoodToGo = 1
                  i = NumRows(Result_SerialNumber) + 1
                  GoodToGo = 2
                  i = NumRows(Result_SerialNumber) + 1
               GoodToGo = 1
         GoodToGo = 1
      Case (GoodToGo == 0)
      Case (GoodToGo == 1)
         Return (Marking + Product_Serial)
      Case (GoodToGo == 2)
         Return ("NO")


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Function read scanner:


Function S7_ReadScanner()
   ReadScannerLoop = 1
   Device.BARCODE_SCANNER.Purge()                              // Clear the receiver buffer
   Private String ReadData = ""
         ReadData = Device.BARCODE_SCANNER.ReadUntil(13)       // Try to read data from the scanner until a carriage return character is reached
         If (ReadData != "")
            ReadData = Remove(ReadData, Chr(13))               // Remove carriage return character from the string if applicable
            ReadData = Remove(ReadData, Chr(10))               // Remove line feed character from the string if applicable
            DisplayTableData[2] = ReadData                     // Display reading barcode on the Diaplay panel
            Product_Serial = ReadData                          // Saving barcode serial into variable
            Page.PoP_BarcodeSerial.ClosePopup()                // Close the pop up
         ErrorIndex += 1
         ErrorType[ErrorIndex] = "Waiting for scanner input..."

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Product_Serial is global variable. The S3_autotest sequence will clear the history of Product_Serial variable each time it runs

It will then call the U0_ScanSerial.

If user don't want to proceed, the cancel button will set the ReadScannerLoop in the S7_ReadScanner() to 0 to end the loop and thus, Product_Serial is empty in the U0_ScanSerial and it will return "NA" to the S3_AutoTest to end that sequence as well.

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Sure, but unless S7_ReadScanner is also a variable (in which case you have a different problem) the statement:

While (S7_ReadScanner() == 0)

is going to call the S7_ReadScanner function and leave the loop if that functions returns 0.  But it doesn't return anything.

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