Flexport Recognition

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Hi. I am having some issues. I have a dial indicator that is wired to a flexport data acquisition device. The flexport is then connected to the serial port on my PC with a serial cable. For some reason, I do not believe DAQ Factory is recognizing my Flexport device. Is there a special setting in DAQ Factory that I must change such that it will recognize the serial port that the Flexport is connected to? Or do I need to change the Device Type to "Flexport" under the channels options for it to work? I also get in error in the csv file that DAQ Factory file outputs. It states "C1136 Timeout. DI Line 5. Uncaught error in Sequence DI". I have been trying to figure out this issue for a month and am completely baffled.



Test Machine_tomtest3.ctl

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  • 5 months later...

Hi. I am still have the same issues as I have described above. Under Device Type, I have now selected the "Flexport" option  and have set up my device configuration so it is pointing to the correct comm port which in my case is 7. It still does not seem to be reading any data from the flexport.

I am using DAQ Factory Pro Version 16.3 Build 2297. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm guessing that you misinterpreted their documentation.  When you see <CR> usually that means to send a carriage return, not to actually send the characters <, C, R, and >.  So, line 5 probably should be:

device.flexport.write("R" + chr(13))

I'd start, though, by trying it in the comm monitor.  Type:


to send R plus a carriage return and see if you get a response.

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Then the port either isn't initialized (just go into the port configuration and click Save to reinitialize the port), or more likely it either doesn't exist or is in use by another piece of software.  I'd reboot to close down any other software, and then check Device Manager to make sure you have the proper com port #.

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