Passing null protocol Comm data into variables


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I am looking for some scripting help.

I have data properly passing through the Comm port with a null protocol. (see image below) 

The data is repeating (100 ms) in 13 byte intervals with no carriage return. The data in the first Byte (\x86) is a constant.

I am trying to pass this data into variables in DaqFactory which I can display/log/etc.

Most of the help I have found uses the "device.myDevice.readUntil()" which I have been unsuccessful at using 

Would someone be able to push me in the right direction?image.thumb.png.4ca230732853eab28551be8619cd16d1.png

Thank you in advanced. 

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Actually, readuntil() would probably be the best choice.  You'll want to readuntil(0x86), then make sure you have 13 bytes, then parse it, so something like:

private string in
private bin
   in = device.mydevice.readuntil(0x86)
   bin = asca(in)
   if (numrows(bin) != 13)
   // now you can parse bin, which is an array of numbers.  Note that 0x86 will be at the end, not the beginning.

Two notes:

1- I actually have forgotten if readuntil() also returns the value you are reading until, so the returned length might be 12 and no 0x86 at the end.

2- you do not need a delay() inside this loop, though you may want to add one (delay(0.1)) right after the while() until you are sure you don't have any typos.  You don't need the delay() because DAQFactory will essentially delay on its on while doing the readuntil().  If you introduce a delay that causes DAQFactory to loop slower than your device is spitting out data, it will fall behind.  


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