Comparing Arrays


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What's the way to compare two arrays? I am using an IF instruction and it only compares the first value of the array.

private.test1 = {0,1,0,0}
private.test2 = {1,0,1,0}

if(private.test1 == private.test2)
   ? "Equal"
   ? "Not Equal"

This code gives me 'Not Equal" as I expected.

But if I change to:

private.test1 = {1,1,0,0}
private.test2 = {1,0,1,0}

if(private.test1 == private.test2)
   ? "Equal"
   ? "Not Equal"

I get "Equal" and I was surprised. After playing around a bit I found that the IF only checks the first value (i.e. private.test1[0]). Do I need to use channels instead of private variables?


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Actually, doing (and note that I don't use the old private. notation):

test1 == test2

returns an array of values. In your second example, it would return:


however, the if() statement only looks at the first element of this resultant array because it doesn't look at the expression, just the end result. The shortcut I use for what you are trying to do is by using Min or max(), so

if (min(test1 == test2)) 
   ? "all equal"

min(test1 == test2) will only be 1 if all values are 1.

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