Logging Function- problem with channel name


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I created a logging which name is "ARIZALAR" with logging method ODBC. I add manuel a channel which name is "BAZAMANI".

var.strbaslamasure = "11"

Logging.ARIZALAR.AddValue("BASZAMANI", var.strbaslamasure)

logging is ok.

also I call data

global dbase

global qr

global count

global thetime

global batch

global start

global strTime


dbase = db.Open("cizgi")

qr = db.Query(dbase,"select * from test445 where BASZAMANI = '11'")

global counter

counter = 0

while (!db.IsEOF(qr))

start[counter] = db.Field(qr,"BASZAMANI")






and calling the data is ok also.

But I am using OPC in my programs. I add a chanel from opc device which name is "Device1MWBaslamaDakika_In" and I used function logging.ARIZALAR.AddChannel("Device1MWBaslamaDakika_In",6) and channel added to ARIZALAR. then I open datas with excel and I see field name "DEVICE1MWB" then I go to calling data sequence.

global dbase

global qr

global count

global thetime

global batch

global start

global strTime


dbase = db.Open("cizgi")

qr = db.Query(dbase,"select * from test445 where DEVICE1MWB= '5'")

global counter

counter = 0

while (!db.IsEOF(qr))

start[counter] = db.Field(qr,"BASZAMANI")






Dqafactory gives error message "O1004 Unable to run query: bbb Line 11 - Uncaught error in sequence bbb"

also noticed that I want to add a lot of channel like device1mw.......

I want to read all channel for logging on startup from text file. then I will add to logging from file.


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For any sort of database querying that results in more than one record (and maybe even then) I recommend using the querytoclass() function instead of query(). Its faster, and can query all the fields at once. To learn more, please do a search of this site for "querytoclass". You will find a number of articles showing how to use it.

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querytoclass() function is ok. it is really faster. thank you.

But I ask also for columns name lenght is just 10. but my variables big than 10 like above.


what can I do?

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I do not believe there is a limit on the name length.

However, you might consider skipping the logging set altogether and use the db.execute() function with some SQL to put your data into the database directly. It gives you more control and flexibility

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There is no limit in DF, but there could be in your database. Either switch databases (why are you using dBase?) or make your names shorter.

As for execute, it works just like query() or querytoclass() except is for SQL commands that don't return a result set. I can't give an exact example because SQL dialects vary across databases, but something like this:

db.execute(handle, "insert into ....")

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I am trying to do write to database which I create in sqlserver. I do in ODBC settings also. and I can read data from columns.

here is the code;

private handle

private string result

var.History = 0


handle = db.Open("kanbersqlserver")

result = db.QueryToClass(handle, "select * from kitap")

? result.kitapID

v.start2 = result.kitapID


var.History = numrows(v.start2)

but I want to change data or add new data to columns. how can I do in daqfactory?

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This is where the db.execute() function would be used along with the appropriate SQL commands. What the exact SQL commands are is a bit outside the scope of this forum. I recommend getting one of thousands of books of SQL. The functions you'll probably want are "Insert Into" and "update". I personally always refer to the MySQL web page, but then I usually use MySQL. If you are going to update a database, you are probably going to need to use db.execute() to add records (using Insert Into) instead of using a logging set. The table is probably going to need an autoincrement field.

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