Graphing Stopped, everything else OK


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An odd occurence: Screen shot of my Page1 attached, of DFExp 5.83 screen taken about 0230 26 Dec 2009.

Graph updating stopped about 1930, 25 Dec 2009. In some cases, alphaNumeric values are "smugged" as if overwritten with current values.

As far as I can determine, data collection continued correctly.

When I click on Page0, Page1 AND Page0 were overlain on each other.

A save with history to a new file, DF exit, and restart resulted in everything AOK.




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Probably just interference as Santa Claus passed over...

Actually, sounds like the idle thread priority hung. This can happen if you have sequences running at priority 0 taking all processor time, but can also happen in other circumstances, though quite rare. As you noticed, it only affects display, not acquisition or control.

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Slightly post-Santa (if we believe Xmas eve tale).

Indeed rare, first time in about a year of almost continuous operation.

Only one thread at Acquisition level, several at PID, most at logging. Dedicated system, typically clocking <5% CPU usage, but god only knows what M$ does when I'm not looking.

Out of curiosity, the "idle thread" mentioned, is this DF's or WinXP's???

Anyway of detecting this???? so I can sound an alarm?????



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Idle thread priority is a windows thing. Anything in the Idle thread priority runs last, after all other things are done. Of course, there may be more than one thing in the idle thread priority, in which case I believe MS runs it round robin. Anyhow, the graphs are drawn in idle thread so that big, complicated graphs don't slow down the rendering of the rest of the page.

I suppose you could detect it by using the OnPaint event of the graph and setting a global variable to the system time of that painting. Then you could run a separate sequence that watches that value and if it drifts off system time by more than 30 seconds or so, you know the graphs stopped rendering. Of course this only works if you put it on all graphs and you have a graph on every page, otherwise, if you switched to a page without a graph, or switched into the channel list or similar, the global wouldn't get updated.

Are you really worried about it? It doesn't affect acquisition, logging or control, is very, very rare, and really only affects if someone is actually looking at the screen, in which case they can restart on their own.

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I'm ftp'ing the graph page to my web page every hour, and also saving it at the end of each day, so it is a concern, but as you say it is a very rare occurrence. Probably other persons are doing the same, so I'll try the onPaint bit and in a year or so might see if it works and let you know (if we both remember it :>)).....

thank you


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  • 1 year later...


I have just got the exact same problem. I have eight graphs spread over two pages - each graph has only one trace (I like to keep it simple and less confusing). Some of the graophs have stopped updating others are working.

Has there been any movement on this issue or a work around?


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Are you actually seeing the exact same problem, or are your graphs just no longer refreshing. This thread was about a case where the graphs literally wouldn't redraw, nor clear, so you'd get one graph on top of another when you switched pages. Are you seeing that, or are your traces just not updating on some graphs?

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