Right Click menus

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You can't remove the predefined elements, but you can add your own by right clicking on a component (or group of components) and selecting "Create User Component..." This creates a file in your DAQFactory directory with this new component.

Note that when you use this new component, it creates a copy, so changes to the user component won't affect existing components of the same type, and you don't need to include that file with any .ctl documents you ship.

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Sorry, I wasn't talking about adding and removing component types, but entries in the right click menu itself. In my current project for example, I have several mixing/blending tanks where products are built up from recipes of components and then heated and mixed to create an intermediate product which gets pumped to another machine for further processing. I'd like to give the user the capability to right click on the tank, and have options for viewing current status, loading a new recipe, a screen that they view while adding the recipe components, and so on.

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