Spectrometer Contol-How Can I Change Parameters From "pages"?


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I want to use a ramped output (0-5V ) devided in 5mV steps to control my AES spectrometer and read at the same time an input signal.To start with, I used the RampSample.ctl and made my own modifications. See, for example, my post from January 29, 2013.

The ramp should start with a certain volt. In the script (Sequemces) I used for example "private Low = 2"

The ramp should end also with a certain voltage. In the script "private high = 4"

Also I included in the script a "private step = 0.005" and a "private t=1.0" for the delay.

I want to control these values from "pages", where I also can start the ramp (my measuerment). How can this be done?

Again, I am very glad about this forum and the help I have received recently.

Carsten, from Lima, Peru


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Change all those privates to global:

global step = 0.005


and put the declaration in an auto-start sequence. Then you can use the standard methods for changing values. I recommend using a variable value component with the Set To action. To start / stop the sequence, use a button component and either the begin/end sequence action, or if you want two buttons, one to start and one to stop by using the Quick Sequence action and beginseq(myramp) and endseq(myramp)

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