Logging And Retrieving Callibration Variables


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I am using callibration equations to set the zero-offset and span of the input for 8 pressure transducers and need to create a simple way to callibrate the channels for a party who isn't a DaqFactory user.

I esentially need two variables per equation (16 in all) which are saved in a callibration text file as .csv formatt and are called and defined at the first stage of the startup script.

My issue is that I'm not sure the easiest way to go about this and secondly what would be the script to assign the variable to the value in the .csv file ascociated with it.


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Thanks Steve, that was my suggestion exactly. Just got interrupted before finishing the reply:

The easiest way to do this is to create a 2D array to hold the values. In startup, you'll want to initialize the variable first:

global scaling

scaling[0][0] = 1

scaling[0][1] = 0

scaling[1][0] = 1

scaling[1][1] = 0

// etc.

The first [0] corresponds to the transducer and goes from 0 to 7. The second is always [0] or [1], where [0] is the slope, and [1] the intercept. There are faster ways to initialize, but this way allows you to specify different default parameters for each transducer.

After you set the defaults you can try to load the settings from a file:


private handle = file.open("c:\daqfactory\params.csv", 1, 0, 0, 1)

scaling = file.readDelim(handle, -1, ",", chr(10), 0)



? strLastError


If the load fails, it will just revert to the defaults.

To save, it looks very similar:


private handle = file.open("c:\daqfactory\params.csv", 0,1, 0, 1)

file.readDelim(handle, scaling, ",", chr(10))



? strLastError


Though in this case you probably want something else in the catch() to tell the operator when it failed.

Note that I'm doing this script off the cuff, so it might need tweaking to work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thankyou so much for the input and apologies for the late reply, have been off sick for the last month.

that looks great and have used arays instead of seperate variables.

one thing tho, should the save function be:

file.writeDelim(handle, scaling, ",", chr(10))

as aposed to:

file.readDelim(handle, scaling, ",", chr(10))

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