Export In Safe Mode From Saved .ctl File


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As logging was in progress, I saved the DaqFactory .ctl file on a USB key using "file/Save with history" (I also downloaded the log file, created with "logging")


Back at office, and as the office PC is not connected to a LabJack, I opened the .ctl file using "Open in safe mode".


The file open correctly and I can visualise the data collected the day before.


As the log file has some minor bugs, I tried to have an improved data file using export, from safe mode.


The problem is that the export file has only one line (the last) instead of several thousand expected.


Any idea on how I can get the whole data set by exporting from safe mode ?

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If you are using an export set and you want all the data, make sure the expressions in the export set don't have [0].  Most of the examples in this forum are for using the export set to output a single line of data, so have [0].  Since you want all the data, you should ignore that and just put the channel name.  




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