How To Display Log In 2D Trend


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Hi, Admin


The customer needs to display log file in the DAQFactory using trend type. I already display it in the table, define 10 variables to display different column of log file. The code is like below



      Private i=0
         F_line = file.Read(F_handle,1)
         //break out if empty string, meaning end of file
         If(F_line == "")
         L1=FormatDate((strtodouble(Parse(F_line,0,","))-365*70-19)*86400) //get date
         L2=FormatTime((strtodouble(Parse(F_line,0,","))-365*70-19)*86400) //get time         
         L3=Parse(F_line,1,",") //get current
To display above in table component is easy, and the value of L1 in table is like 10/12/13, the value of L2 in table is like 11:03:12.
But to display this in trend, I haven't found the way. Y axis is L3, X axis is L2. After test, the L2 in trend always display value of hour. How can I pick up the time including minutes seconds, and display it in X axis of table?
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A few things.  One, you can't plot strings, and I'm guessing L3 is a string.  So, you need to convert L3 to a number.  Likewise, you can't plot a string representation of a date.  "11:03:12" means nothing to the graph.


Next, you really should consider using readDelim() instead of reading the file line by line.  It will be MUCH faster.


I personally would add another global variable to store the values as numbers and stick the time right there. So add something like:


global graphY


   ... // your code

   L3 = parse(...)

   graphY = StrToDouble(parse(F_line,1,",")

   graphY.time = (strToDouble(parse(F_line,0,","))-365*70-19) * 86400




Actually, I'd do the graphY first, then calculate your L1-3 based on those values instead of calling Parse() multiple times (which is kind of slow).  But that all said, I'd still do it with readDelim().

Also, note that you'll probably need to sort graphY at the end:


graphY = sortTime(graphY)

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