Creating Connection For Runtime Install


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I want to create a copy of my program to run on a second computer using my runtime license.  The remote copy will use the same data as the main copy.

To do this, I want to create a connection to the server where my original program is, but if I pull out the hardware key to set up the runtime on the second computer, DaqFactory shuts down.

How do I get DaqFactory to keep running so that I can set up the connection?

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If you want to actually set it up on the second computer, you'd need a runtime license on the first.  However, an easier way is to simply do everything on one computer before you move it:


1) start up the server program as normal with the hardware key inserted

2) start up a second copy of DAQFactory and load the .ctl document you are going to use on the remote

3) create a new connection on the second copy, specifying the IP address of the server computer you are running.  DAQFactory doesn't care whether it happens that the server is the same computer, so it should connect right up.  Then you can continue to setup your document

4) when you have it working, move the .ctl document to the remote.  The IP doesn't change so the document should fire right up and connect without ever having to put a development license on the second computer.

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