Nested Arrays And Classes

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Please let me know what I'm doing wrong here.  I want to have the equivalent of a 2d array, but with named dimensions so instead of having parent[3][2] references I would have parent.marklist[3].marks[2], where marklist and marks were their own classes:


class  cChecks
   local marks
   function init()
      private i
      for (i = 0, i < 10, i++)
         marks = 0
class cParent
   local marklist
   function init()
      private l
      for (l = 0, l < 10, l++)
         marklist[l] = new(cChecks)
global Parent = new(cParent)
private i
private j
for (i = 0, i < 10, i++)
   for(j=0, j< 10, j++)
      Parent.MarkList.marks[j] = j
?Parent.MarkList[3].Marks  produces 9 not {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} as expected.
If I manually assign values, like Parent.Marklist[3].Marks[5] = 32 it will work.  It seems like using class references with two or more [] in a line is having a problem.  This also seems to appear calling a class function with an array reference  topclass[x].myfunction(something[index]).
This is all with version 5.90 build 2151.
What am I doing wrong?
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As I've mentioned before somewhere here on the forum related to objects, one of the bugs of DAQFactory OOP, and a reason its not considered a release feature is that you can't have more than one () or [] in a symbol.  So, you can do:




but you can't do:




because there are two []'s in the full symbol.  Same goes if its a function:




The workaround is to simply make a reference to topclass[x] first:


private tempOb = topClass[x]


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Its not the same expression, otherwise you couldn't do:  sin(x) + cos(y), its only in the same symbol.  Now technically, I suppose, most compilers would split topclass[x].memberFunction() into two symbols, but DAQFactory doesn't, which is, actually, the source of the problem and the eventual fix.

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