Embed An Array In A String

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If MyStringArray == {"A", "B", "C"}, I can't seem to figure out a way to store that entire array in a single string.


I tried evaluate(Chr(94) + MyStringArray + Chr(94)), the same string just as a string add without evaluate(), and Chr(96) instead of 94.


Is there a way to do this?


Guess I could Unparse it, using some delimiter unlikely to appear in the strings.

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If the values in myStringArray are actually single characters and not multicharacter strings, you can do:




I'm assuming of course you want to get "ABC" out of the sample you provided.  Not sure what you are doing with evaluate and chr(94).  Chr(94) is a caret ^

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No, I'm trying to get the string "{"A", "B", "C"}", or '{"A", "B", "C"}'.  I want an array encoded into a string that I can parse back into an array later, presumably using evaluate().


The 94 is the result of my old guy eyes looking at an ASCII table.  I was tryig to use single and double quotes around the array.

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For quotes its better to do:








Which look the same.  The first is double quote, single quote, double quote.  The second is the reverse.


I still don't understand what you are trying to do, or why.  However, if I understand you right, the way to do it is to use an object and use toJson() and fromJson().  You'll get some extra data in the string, but it will be just a single string that you can then reinstantiate back into the object / array.

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Thanks.  What I'm trying to do is make an array of arrays.  IOW, the strings get put into a 1D string array.  The other arrays are of varying lengths and I don't want the container array resizing all the dimensions to match.  In fact some of the individual strings will contain 2D arrays.  So I want a 1D array of strings which encode 1 or 2D arrays of various sizes.  There end up being a variable number of these strings, so otherwise I'd need to generate temp names, and then remember how many there were.  Easier to just pack them in an array, the rows of which end up being a to-do list for the next step.

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