Cleanning Alarm Summary


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Our application was saved with alarms fired. So we have plenty of them logged since last year that we are not able to clean from summary. I think this should be quite common to devellopers but I have not find any answer in forum about this.

During development tests some alarms were created,  tested, then deleted so log messages in summary belong to deleted alarms that it's hard to delete. Please could you give us a procedure to clean up all the summary (something like delete all alarms in other scadas)?. Thanks.

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I'm sorry, what summary?  DAQFactory only tracks the most recent state of the alarms.

The list of alarms that you call Alarm summary. It's the name it has in Daqfactory.  Our application shows a lot of 2013 alarms that we are not able to erase. Even some of them were generated by alarm variables that do not exist yet during commisioning tests. I enclose a pdf.

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Unlike other SCADA packages, alarms in DAQFactory aren't tied to tags.  This makes it easy to create alarms based on multiple tags, or anything else in the system.  This also means that DAQFactory does not remove alarms that reference tags that no longer exist.  You need to manually delete these alarms by expanding the ALARMS: section of the workspace, then right clicking on the alarm and selecting Delete.

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Ok. I'll try to be more clear. First the terminology. Lets call " Alarm Message"  to the lines in Alarm Summary . Lets call "Alarm" to the variables in Alarms topic in workspace. And lets call "channels" to the variables in Channels at workspace. Ok?.

We want to clean Alarm Summary that is to erase all the "alarm messages" on it. This messages remain in summary forever even you acked them, you force on and off the channel value that trigger the alarm and ack them, even you force condition (setting to 1) and then reset condition (setting to 1) directly in alarm and ack them, even you delete de Alarm . We tryed a lot of things and always remain there.


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That view shows all alarms no matter what state they are in.  They are, however, sorted by state so Fired Alarms are at the top and inactive ones are at the bottom.  There is no way to remove inactive alarms except delete the alarms.

You can, however, try to create your own table of just active alarms or whatever you want, or you might post a request on our New Features forum asking for an option to hide inactive alarms.  It would not be particular hard for us to implement for you so could be done pretty quickly assuming you are already on 5.90.

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Ok. Thanks. But we try most of things you say. We delete the alarms with no result. We active the alarms but new alarm messages appered. The old one be inactive even when we set the Dqftory clock in the minute that alarm message shows. Could you please explain how an alarm go inactive. As I see an alarm is active or reseted and when acked the alarm message is deleted.

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I've attached a very simple sample.  Alarms have four states: Active, Reset, Acked, and Inactive


Active occurs when the alarm fires but has not been reset or acked.

Reset occurs when the alarm fires and then is reset, but has not been acked.

Acked occurs when the alarm fires and then is acked, but it has not been reset (reset condition not met)

InActive occurs either before the alarm ever fires, or after the alarm fires and has been both reset and acked.


All states display in the alarm summary, using different colors and flashing and sorted by state along with the time of the last event.  Inactive alarms will show the timestamp of the last fire, reset and ack even though the alarm is completely cleared at this point.

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