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On site I have DAQBridge and few Modbus TCP/RTU devices..


I need script example how to change text on digital input event and send email when changes his state









values    1 ----> main door open   - > send alarm to email address xyz@abc.xf

values    2 ---- >main door closed


Do you have any examples or can you give link where it can be found ?




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about alarms..

Is possible to send email alarm with external pop server....?

I have SMS server that can send SMS to dedicated GSM number if email address has format like...



I tried to set monitoring one channel, OK, it is shown on history table, no problem for that...


example ?


How to monitor if remote site is live ?


Yesterday I had power down at remote site, so how to check if line is active ?

like...last update from DAQBridge or DAQFactory was at 11:53, present time is 11:55 so how to check if time difference is <300 seconds... LIVE button is green, else LIVE button is red ????



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You can only use an external server if you have an OEM instance of DAQConnect.


You can check for if the remote site is live by looking at the time stamp of the data point, or better yet, create an alarm on an important tag and use the "Data Age greater than" alarm type.  That will trigger if the data gets older than the given amount (in seconds I believe).

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I understand...


need to choose one tag from remote site...



Name: linklost
Alarm when: Data Age greater than
Alarm at: 300
Reset at: 100
How to make red/green symbol if alarm is active...
I have red/green dot under symbols...
Symbol control...
when: linklost==1
calls red dot.gif
green dot
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